

  • Earth Rescue (2017-2018) - Environmentally-themed infinite runner game built mainly for mobile but has desktop version too. Ran on C# and used the Unity engine. Created alongside Casey Henderson.
  • A-Level Chemistry Revision (2018) - Proof of concept of an AS/A-Level Chemistry Revision resource. Built using C# and the Unity UI engine. Contained various pages, including textbook-style pages on topics, with randomly generated questions on various topics, match-up games, and definition quizzes. Made as A-Level Computer Science coursework.
  • VR Simulation of Special Relativity with Puzzles (2022) - My undergratuate dissertation project. A simulation of the effects of special relativity, and would change the way we perceive the world if we were moving at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. The game uses the effects to create a short series of puzzles over three levels, guiding the user in the ways that the effects can be used, as well as a basic sandbox area so that the user can explore more freely.
  • DNDEC Visualiser (2022) - An encounter creater & visualiser for custom Dungeons & Dragons encounters to allow players to have a better way of viewing the encounter than the default maps. Allows user to save and load different encounters, place a range of different tile types, change the heights and add characters to each tile.

C & Arduino

  • Over-The-Air Instructions to an Adafruit Robot Car (2022) - A robot car that will connect to the internet to download instructions from a local Python server. The user can update the instructions and the car will detect this and carry them out. The user can issue commands in the format “LEFTMOTOR-SPEED RIGHTMOTOR-SPEED DURATION(sec)”.

Java & Kotlin

  • Card Games (2020) - A small project I undertook to create text-based versions of a few card games that I enjoyed in Java. Rummy (up to 4 players), Poker (up to 4 players), Solitaire. Extra files are in the repository as I began to change all of the games into object-oriented, but eventually lost interest so this feature is lacking.
  • 3D Graphical Demo (2021) - A Java based scene made with OpenGL portraying a robot exploring a museum room, with custom textures, shaders and animations. Making use of a scene graph. The demo was made in pure Java in Jetbrains’ IntelliJ, with no outside assistance from graphics programs.
  • Mobile Tourist App (2021) - A mobile application made in Kotlin with Android Studio. Provides the user with a map and allows them to upload images and tag them onto the map, so that others can see, allowing users to log their travels in a more interactive manner. Made alongside Ibrahim Teksoylu and Mircea-Gelu Egry.


  • A series of small, basic projects (~2015) - Projects undertaken by myself to start learning to code. Began with C#, but quickly switched to Python. Most of these projects have been lost and those that remain are too basic to be worth uploading - like I said, it was when I first started coding.
  • Agent-Based Model, Simulating Ant Behaviours in a Rainforest (2021) - Modified from a Python implementation of Dawn Walker’s Ecolab3, this model attempts to mimic the behaviours of ant colonies under conditions with heavy and indefinite rainfall. The project was made in a very short time and it is lacking in a great many features, but the system itself is intact and functional.


  • Online Departmental Bookmarking System (2020) - Created as part of a software development team as a University project. A server-based bookmark system that allows users from multiple departments to save, favourite, share, comment, and rate different bookmarks for sites that would be useful per department and across the whole company. Included a login system with guest login, employee login, and admin login. All with different rights and privileges. Built using Ruby, Sinatra (Ruby Gem), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQLite3.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript